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The Gatchina Museum had about 2500 pieces of furniture before World War II, of which less then 300 pieces have survived, according to records. Interestingly enough, the report compiled by V.M. Kuchumov in 1941 and describing the furniture collection held at the Central Depository of Museum Holdings indicated that most of its collection was made up of items evacuated from the Gatchina palace – 25… items in total.
Not all of the objects survived the hardships caused by evacuation, numerous transportations and improper storage. Some were written off in the 1950s as damaged beyond recovery. The Museum holdings currently include just 180 items from the original collection, only 134 of those bear inventory numbers of the Central Depository. The majority of the furniture collection was lost during the war, while the items that were not put on display were sold off back in the 1920s as “having no artistic value”. Nevertheless, the furniture collection at the Gatchina Palace features the finest pieces produced by European and Russian cabinet makers in the late 18th-early 20th centuries.
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Call to undefined function session_register() (0)
#0: include
#1: CBitrixComponentTemplate->__IncludePHPTemplate(array, array, string)
#2: CBitrixComponentTemplate->IncludeTemplate(array)
#3: CBitrixComponent->showComponentTemplate()
#4: CBitrixComponent->includeComponentTemplate()
#5: include(string)
#6: CBitrixComponent->__includeComponent()
#7: CBitrixComponent->includeComponent(string, array, object)
#8: CAllMain->IncludeComponent(string, string, array, object)
#9: include(string)
#10: CBitrixComponentTemplate->__IncludePHPTemplate(array, array, string)
#11: CBitrixComponentTemplate->IncludeTemplate(array)
#12: CBitrixComponent->showComponentTemplate()
#13: CBitrixComponent->includeComponentTemplate(string)
#14: include(string)
#15: CBitrixComponent->__includeComponent()
#16: CBitrixComponent->includeComponent(string, array, boolean)
#17: CAllMain->IncludeComponent(string, string, array, boolean)
#18: include_once(string)
#19: include_once(string)