Priory Park
In the late 18th century, during the rule of Paul I, a new landscape park was laid out with Priory Palace as its focal point. The lake was dredged, the shoreline was made to look more picturesque by using the dredged earth to heighten the shores and adjacent hills.
In the middle of the 19th century a new network of walks was created, the shores of the lake and artificial islands reinforced and more trees planted. Under the rule of Alexander III, who chose Gatchina as his principal residence, park grounds were at its shining best; at this time, five gates of Pudost limestone marking the entrances to the park were erected.

In the late 18th century, during the rule of Paul I, a new landscape park was laid out with Priory Palace as its focal point. The lake was dredged, the shoreline was made to look more picturesque by using the dredged earth to heighten the shores and adjacent hills.

In the middle of the 19th century a new network of walks was created, the shores of the lake and artificial islands reinforced and more trees planted. Under the rule of Alexander III, who chose Gatchina as his principal residence, park grounds were at its shining best; at this time, five gates of Pudost limestone marking the entrances to the park were erected.