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To Donors and Patrons of the Arts

The future lies in the present, but the future is also in the past. We create it.
If it is bad, it’s our fault.

Anatole France

The Gatchina Palace and park is one of Russia’s outstanding ensembles. With its own unique identity, it is just another gem in the ring of imperial suburban palaces around St Petersburg.

The palace has a great atmosphere and is imbued with Russian history. The late 18th

century interiors, collections of paintings, furniture, European and Russian porcelain, antique weapons, tapestries and sculpture – all of these were housed in one of the tsar’s finest residences and are now preserved through state efforts and the dedication of the museum staff.

The Museum staff carefully maintains traditions and cultural heritage to preserve its legacy for future generations. As is known, there is no future without a past. You too can make your contribution to the Museum’s future, in the preservation and revival of Russia’s grand palace and its unique landscape park.

There are many ways to give. While cash donations are always welcome, we would appreciate any discounts, services, materials, equipment, information and advertising support or any other contribution you can make.

We are currently in the process of developing a membership program The Friends of the Museum and other special programs to support the Museum.

We are open to discussions and cooperation and are hopeful that, through joint efforts, we will be able to recover Gatchina’s former glory and revive an old and noble tradition of patronage to the arts.