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Paul I�s Lower Throne Room

Paul I�s Lower Throne Room

There were four throne rooms at the Gatchina Palace. This hall displays the installation of Paul I�s Lower Throne Room that was located in the suite of private rooms on the ground floor. The room was quite modestly decorated with a lightly painted ceiling, Italian and Venitician paintings and portraits of A. Menshikov and B. Minich on the walls, and decorative art pieces on console tables - the vases made at the Imperial Porcelain Factory in 1797 and a plaster bust of Henry IV, King of France, who Paul I greatly admired.

Placed next to the tiled stove in front of the monumental portrait of Paul I by F. Jouvenet (1717), on an elevation, was a gilded wooden chair with an orange canopy above it.

Until 1941 the appearance of the Throne Room was preserved as it was in the spring of 1800 during Paul�s last visit to the Palace.

The most valuable items from the room�s interior decoration - seventeenth and eighteenth century paintings (only two pictures were lost) - survived the Second World War.

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